Menu Prompts
Phone Messages
Menu Prompts aka Interactive Voice Responses (IVRs) allow calls to be directed to a specified department or staff member.
Often referred to as anInteractive Voice Response (IVR) the Menu Prompt is designed to instruct callers to take the action needed to connect directly to a person or department.
As an example the prompt might say; "For new sales enquiries, Press One; For the Service Department Press Two; For Accounts Payable, Press Three..."
The benefits are fairly obvious; incoming callers spend less time getting to the person or department they are calling and the self-service nature of the facility reduces staff involvement in directing an external call.
Callers also appreciate the added privacy of being directly connected to the person or department they require without involving another staff member to make the connection.
Regular callers will be aware of the IVR system and can save even more time by selecting the required number to dial without having to listen to the entire menu.
Being part of Media Group, the business audio specialists, we create Menu Prompts for enterprises of all sizes and from all sectors of the economy including government.
We are able to supplyMenu Prompts or IVRsin the appropriate file format to load into any telephone system. All delivery is done online and for large organisations where various tiers may be involved individual files can be supplied to accommodate any complexity.
In multi-tiered installationsthe caller will hear the relevant promptsas they progress through the various levels and departments. The prompt will advise the action required to arrive at the desired destination.
The caller may hear something along these lines. "For existing account holders, please Press One; If you wish to open a new monthly account Press Two; For all other enquiries please Press Three."
Be aware that your company's Menu Prompts or IVRs will be part of the "image" you present to your customers. Not only must they function well but they need to present your organisation in the best possible way. Don't settle for anything half-baked. Make sure your menu Prompts are well written, professionally voiced and properly produced in a modern digital recording studio.
Your Menu Prompts or IVRs are among the first things a person encounters when dealing with your company. Make sure the job is done properly. There's no need to be taking short cuts and scrimping on the budget.
Because we specialise in business audio our production costs are very reasonable. Our experienced copywriters and studio producers work in our own state of the art the recording facilities.
We use our own a team of in-house professional male and female voice artistsplus we also draw on a vast pool of free-lance male and female professional announcers.
We can providea program of Menu Prompts that will better streamline the flow of telephone calls to your company and at the same timehelp you present a great image to your customers.
To find out more and arrange aFREE quote Click here.
Typical Format forMenu Prompts: "Welcome and thank you for calling (insert Company Name). Please choose from the following options. To speak to a Sales Consultant, press 1; For our Service Department, press 2; For Accounts, press 3; for all other enquiries please stay on the line and one of our friendly staff will be with you as soon as possible. To hear these choices again please press zero."